Understanding the Management Sheet

Estimated reading: 1 minute

The Management Sheet allows you to set project parameters. We highly recommend setting these before you start your project.

It also provides you with an overview of your project’s stats, and allows you to correct issues during the project.

Locations Tab
Locations Tab

Most events have a schedule with sessions happening concurrently, either in different

Settings Tab
Settings Tab

This tab is where you can set various project parameters, to customize

Stats Tab
Stats Tab

This tab is your entry point for all project administration tasks. It

Unmatched Recordings Tab
Unmatched Recordings Tab

This tab allows you to identify mismatched speaker onboarding or session recording

Meeting Links Tab
Meeting Links Tab

Once the details of a session (i.e. date, time and duration) are

Log tabs
Log tabs

The Management Sheet contains 3 useful logs tabs These tabs provide analytical

Calendly Bookings tab
Calendly Bookings tab

This tab allows you to see all the bookings we have received

Manual Bookings tab
Manual Bookings tab

This tab is an advanced feature. It lets you match a meeting