How to prepare for Live

How to Provide Detailed Run Of Show information

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

It is common to need to provide additional information about what will happen in any particular session.

With, there are two ways to do this.

  • Option 1: Short sentence for each session (Notes column in the Content tab)
  • Option 2: Detailed instructions about your session’s content (to the second) if you use Cue Sheets

The first option will allow for a display of these instructions in the Room Sheet, in the Rundown tab.

The second option involves creating Cue Sheets, and should only be used if you need to provide detailed instructions for a session.

Option #1: Simple instructions in the Content tab (Project Sheet)

If your event is simple, you can write a short note for each session in the Content tab, where applicable.

This is only suitable for very simple instructions, for example: “Play video 148 at the beginning”

If you wish to provide more detailed instructions, you can create a Cue Sheet.

Option #2: Using Cue Sheets for detailed instructions

If you need to be able to provide detailed instructions, with a precision down to the second, you can use a Cue Sheet.

Go to the Room Sheet corresponding to your session, and select the Cue Sheet template tab.

Duplicate the template tab for the session you want to provide detailed instructions for.

Note: Make sure to rename the tab to include the Content ID!

Example: Rename your copy to “Cue Sheet – 103”

Select the matching Content ID in the drop down menu, and fill in the instructions.

After you fill the first line of the cue sheet, including the segment’s duration, you will notice that a new line is automatically created, as shown in the example below.

Create one line for each separate segment of your session, assign the correct speaker, select their location, and add information to describe what they will do.

You can also select what should be displayed on each of the screens – DSM, LED Wall, etc.

Note: You can also customize the values of each field in the Cue Sheet settings tab. For example, you could add “Lectern” to the list of Locations, etc.

Once you have updated the list of values for all fields, finish filling the Cue Sheet.

Repeat the process and create a new Cue Sheet for any other session that requires it.

Note: The Cue Sheet tabs are to be used on their own, for the relevant sessions. Due to the level of detail, the information you enter in your Cue Sheet will not be reported in the Rundown tab.